Special needs individuals (those who require assistance for medical, mental, or psychological disabilities) present a lifetime of physical, emotional, and social challenges. Providing long-term, quality care and ensuring financial stability can be challenging for families, especially as parents age. Siblings are often left with the responsibility of caring for their brother or sister with inadequate guidance.
At 4 Life Care Services, our goal is to help families obtain the services they need while managing the overall care of their child’s or sibling’s special needs. Our experience and relationships afford them better access to services, because we can accurately evaluate and recommend resources, oversee service quality, report to the trust department about their status, and help them achieve the best quality of life possible.
What We Offer
Parents of children with special needs are faced with daily challenges, often forcing a take-it-one-day-at-a-time approach. While this can be a rewarding strategy in the short-term, the reality is, eventually, parents will pass on and another family member will need to step into their role. A current and comprehensive durable financial and legal plan is critical for the entire family and can keep stress to a minimum while dealing with the other myriad of issues that arise when caring for individuals with special or aging needs.
Our mission is to help developmentally or physically disabled adults and their families attain a high quality of life and peace of mind by addressing long-term physical, emotional, and social needs and ensuring financial, legal and medical security.
Why Choose Us?
15 Years Experience
The owners of the company have had 15 years of experience dealing with this population.
Advanced Degrees
The owners hold advanced degrees in counseling psychology and are skilled in putting together a team.
Experienced Staff
All of our staff including social workers and nurses have quality work experience in this field.
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